On Tue, Feb 12, 2019 at 10:49 AM Dave Swarthout <daveswarth...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The seamark definition in the supplied link is very general. I cannot see how 
> anyone could misinterpret this use of either waterway=fairway or 
> seamark:type=fairway unless they are specialists, in which case I'm sure a 
> response will be forthcoming. Regardless, I agree that the conflict note 
> should be removed.

I've updated the wiki, please have a look and let me know if you disagree. [1]

> I would love to see the tag waterway=fairway

Well, the wiki says it is "de facto," I think it means it is already accepted.

> but I also hope we can somehow make it applicable to canoe routes as well.

From the definition of waterway=fairway, it can be used for the
members of canoe routes as long as they are artificial and marked by
buoys. I expect this to be rare though.

The definition of route=canoe says it should be used only in
relations, but I think it may be comparable to route=ferry, which is
allowed both in relations and in ways (I believe this is to make
rendering ferry routes easier). It seems that specialized maps already
render route=canoe relations [2].


[2] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:route%3Dcanoe#Rendering

Fernando Trebien

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