The answer to your question is simple. The conretion
of opposite_lane depends on the traffic system you're
in, but cycleway:left and cycleway:right are globally
used tags, not limited to a specific jurisdiction.

In particular, :left and :right suffixes _do not_
depend on the traffic system in use, but rather on
the direction of the osm way (which is defined by
the order of its node list).


> On 15/03/2019 08:23, Charles MILLET wrote:
> Taginfo shows it is not the preferred method 979<3562
> *=opposite_lane is/was well understood as far as I know (I am regularly 
> "teaching" OSM using the bicycle wiki page as reference).
> Why using two tags when one works well, when the value opposite_lane 
> exists and the interpretation is the same?

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