please: NO MORE TAGS
Either... can we mix all the tags of all the versions of Public transport
into a UNIQUE scheme for ALL kinds of transports, tagging it at the same
way with the same name: from electric autonomous buses to new Uber's
A scheme has to be scalable. Can we define that? Can we design that?
-Basic parts
-Basic tags
-Basic values

And then... some kind of automated conversion of tags done by local
communities, with specific instructions at the wiki. Also tag as deprecated
all the old mixed stuff.

What do you think?
Salut i mapes (health and maps)

On Wed, Jul 31, 2019 at 10:37 AM Markus <> wrote:

> Hi Joseph
> On Tue, 30 Jul 2019 at 15:59, Joseph Eisenberg
> <> wrote:
> >
> > I still haven't seen any benefit in adding public_transport=platform
> > to highway=bus_stop or highway=platform or railway=platform features,
> > and it doesn't look like the =stop_position tag is needed for routers
> > either, so all 3 of the main public_transport tags (except perhaps the
> > stop_area relation?) are rarely helpful.
> I agree, and it seems that most people that took part in this long
> discussion [1] i initiated in April about improving public transport
> mapping agreed too.
> [1]:
> While highway=bus_stop works in most simpler cases, it doesn't work
> very well for bus stations. For example, consider this simplified map
> of the postbus station in Bern. [2]
> [2]:
> It consists of seven platforms, numbered 1–7, and a mere pole on the
> sidewalk with the number 8. As highway=bus_stop and highway=platform
> both use the the highway=* key and thus can't be combined, for every
> platform i would need to map a highway=platform and a highway=bus_stop
> object. But which one should get the ref=*? Both? And which one should
> be added to the route relation? Usually highway=bus_stop is added to
> the route relation, but for trains, it is the platform.
> A possible solution of this problem were to invent a new tag for
> stops, which doesn't use the highway=* or railway=* key and thus can
> be combined with highway/railway=platform (e.g. public_transport=stop;
> or, alternatively, a new tag for platforms). However, i haven't got
> any feedback on that idea, so i don't know whether the community would
> accept such a change in tagging.
> Regards
> Markus
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