In this case, I do NOT want to go from A to B. I want to do the hike, that
is the route, exactly as it is specified OSM. Those ways, in the exact
order. I want my smartphone or garmin to guide me exactly along those ways,
which were carefully picked when the route was entered into OSM.

If that can't be done directly, I want to get an export that I can feed to
my device or app, so it can recreate the route exactly, without adding,
weighing, guessing or rerouting anything.

When I'm planning a hike, I want the software to start with the exact OSM
route, not a rerouted version.

Fr gr Peter Elderson

Op za 17 aug. 2019 om 15:44 schreef Andy Townsend <>:

> > You want to do the routing. I want to avoid that, because the routing
> has already been done.
> To be clear, I want to navigate from where I currently am to where I want
> to go.  If a route is blocked (or, heaven forfend, wrong in OSM) I still
> want to get where I'm going, even if I am not exactly where I thought I
> should be.
> > OsmAnd and Garmin should take the route itself, not waypoints to route
> to. It is odd that OsmAnd cannot navigate me along an ÒSM route that's
> shown on the map and is readily available from OSM.
> I'm not sure what the current situation is with OsmAnd, but do know that
> it's been discussed within the last few months in the OsmAnd Google Geoup
> With regard to Garmin, it sounds like you should be submitting a feature
> request to them - it is unlikely that they monitor OSM's tagging list for
> those.
> It does sound, however, that you don't have a concrete use-case at all -
> you have a view of how things "should" be, but this doesn't seem to be
> driven by a real-world requirement.  That's why I've been asking for
> specifics throughout this thread (and Richard has too).
> Best Regards,
> Andy
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