Hi Nick,

Please excuse my late reply. :(

On Wed, 6 Nov 2019 at 00:53, Nick Bolten <nbol...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ## Similarities to shoulders and an opportunity to figure out how to tag them.
> Would it be fair to say that the only differences between this feature and a 
> shoulder are (A) it has paint designating where pedestrians should go and (B) 
> it has some right-of-way implications? Because it's often the only pedestrian 
> option in rural areas near me, I'd appreciate having a way to tag shoulders 
> and then enhancing them with a subtag. e.g., something like 
> shoulder=left/right/both + shoulder:right=pedestrian_lane.

Another difference is the width: in Switzerland, pedestrian lanes are
about 1.5 m wide and shoulders about 4.5 m. But in my opinion their
different purpose is reason enough to use different tags. Besides,
cycle lanes already have a separate tag. (Even though cyclists are
also allowed to use shoulders in the USA afaik.) And finally,
shoulder:right=pedestrian_lane doesn't make much sense semantically.

> ## Challenges of mapping pedestrian paths as street attributes
> As proposed, this tag would apply to streets. I understand the appeal - it's 
> a minimal change from current maps and the feature is basically just paint on 
> a street - but I think there are also some potential risks to describing the 
> pedestrian path this way that would be valuable to discuss. Examples:
> (1) Intersections, particularly ones with marked crossings. 
> sidewalk=left/right/no/both has difficulties with this as well. Put yourself 
> in the shoes of someone trying to analyze the paths a pedestrian could take 
> using this tag to determine that there is a path using pedestrian lanes and a 
> crosswalk. There is a street way (way 1) with pedestrian_lane=right that 
> continues through an intersection. There is a crosswalk tagged as 
> highway=crossing, crossing=uncontrolled on another way that shares a node 
> with another street way (way 2). How do you proceed and associate these path 
> data so that you can reliably say that a pedestrian path exists that uses 
> that crosswalk? I believe it will require some fairly nerdy graph analysis I 
> think it could be a significant hurdle for using this data.

You mean a situation like this?:


I add a sidewalk=both tag to the road section up to the crosswalk,
then sidewalk=no to the rest of the road that doesn't have a sidewalk.
This may look a bit strange in this example, but usually the sidewalks
are more curved at crossroads, like for example here:


(The "Stadt Bern 10cm/25cm (2012)" imagery has the highest resolution
at this place.)

I suggest the same mapping for pedestrian lanes.

> (2) Transitions to other pedestrian paths, such as sidewalks. Pedestrian 
> lanes are sometimes used as a means to have a "temporary" sidewalk-like 
> feature, pending some future construction of actual sidewalks. There will be 
> sidewalks that are half-built, then transition into a pedestrian lane. How do 
> we tag that situation, given a separately-mapped sidewalk?

I would simply connect the sidewalk way with the road where the
sidewalk ends (and map a barrier=kerb + kerb=* node) and add
pedestrian_lane=* to the road starting from where the pedestrian lane

> With the above issues in mind, what would you think about allowing 
> highway=footway, footway=pedestrian_lane as a possibly redundant tagging 
> option?

Consider this example:


There is a pedestrian lane along the the south-eastern part of the
road Reichenbachstrasse. On the opposite side there are public steps
as well as many (currently unmapped) driveways and private footpaths.
Mapping the pedestrian lane as a separate way would either make it
disconnected from the steps, driveways and footpaths on the opposite
side of the road or you would need to add many highway=footway
connections from the pedestrian lane to the steps, driveways and
footpaths, which would make the map very confusing.

Therefore i strongly advise against mapping pedestrian lanes as separate ways.

By the way, the same problem occurs with sidewalks mapped as separate ways.

> ## Usefulness / data consumption
> Knowing where pedestrian lanes are would be very useful, in my opinion, but 
> the devil is always in the details. Do you have any examples of how this data 
> could be consumed downstream? Not saying there always has to be a data 
> consumer, but the exercise could reveal advantages between different 
> approaches.

I'm not a programmer and therefore don't have concrete plans to use
this data, but i imagine (and hope) that pedestrian routers could use
this data to prioritise roads with pedestrian lanes and to tell blind
people on which side of the road they should walk.

> ## Other sources
> A potentially helpful resource during these international comparisons: 
> https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/bicycle_pedestrian/publications/small_towns/page05.cfm.
>  The FHWA defines standards in the United States.

Thanks. The content of this page seems to be identical to this PDF
document by the FHWA i mentioned in some of my earlier messages:


Best regards


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