On Wed, 8 Jan 2020 at 16:33, Mateusz Konieczny <matkoni...@tutanota.com> wrote:
> Although unusual, oneway on pedestrian highways (path, footway, track) is
> possible in some places.
> Cases of oneway pedestrian traffic includes some hiking trails, border 
> crossing,
> exit-only passages and more.
> How to tag this?

Would just like to note that oneway=yes is established on
highway=steps (usually with conveying=yes, i.e., an escalator) to the
point where a major data consumer openstreetmap-carto supports it,
e.g. https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/367618960

Arguably escalators are a special case since unlike most footways
there is a mechanical component to them. However I would still be
interested in seeing any tagging for footways maintain at least some
consistency with it.

If this is hugely problematic for data consumers I would not be
opposed to tagging like highway=footway + foot:backward=no, with
oneway=yes allowed as optional for human readability.


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