Am Do., 27. Feb. 2020 um 08:34 Uhr schrieb Andrew Davidson <>:

> On Thu, 27 Feb. 2020, 08:22 Martin Koppenhoefer, <>
> wrote:
>> can you explain with the amended rules what the outcome would be for
>> 8 votes yes, 0 no, 1 abstention
> That is 8 unanimous approval votes so it is passed.
> 8 votes yes, 1 no, 1 abstention
> Didn't reach the required quorum of 10 votes for a majority based count so
> not passed.
> 8 yes, 2 no and any number of abstentions would be passed.
> 8 yes, 3 no would not pass.

I see, so now the abstentions will not count for the voting result in any
way, not even for the quorum.
Is this a shared interpretation?

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