On Wed, May 20, 2020 at 11:57 AM Joseph Eisenberg
<joseph.eisenb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> However, if you are talking about a paved multi-use path, bicycle path or 
> footway which happens to be 3 or 4 meters wide and therefore a police car or 
> emergency vehicle can fit, generally these are still mapped as 
> highway=cycleway or =footway or =path if they are designed and designated for 
> pedestrians or bicycles.
It is gravel.  Rough width is 2.5 meters (I tagged it as such).

> Do you have an example of a particular path or road which is debatable?
I mapped this originally as highway=path, it was changed by another
user to highway=track.  I just changed it back this morning.

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