On 2020-05-25 07:03, Joseph Eisenberg wrote:

> This was originally sent to the Talk mailing list, but it is better if it is 
> discussed on the Tagging mailing list: 
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/tagging 
> I agree that razed, completely demolished railways, where all traces of the 
> former track-bed have been removed, should be removed from OpenStreetMap. 
> It is still considered acceptable to map abandoned railways, where the old 
> railway grade remains, even though the metal rails have been removed.  
> However, note that there are some people who are very committed to mapping 
> historical and abandoned railways, so there may be resistance to removing 
> these features.

1. Live and let live - OSM has always been a broad church. It might not
be your hobby, but it is their's. The bar to actively deleting other
people's work should be set very high indeed. 

2. In the present, it IS a former trackbed, even if you can't see it. In
the past it was an active rail line. 

3. In terms of database bloat, abandoned/razed rails have a completely
insignificant impact. 

4. Downstream consumers/renderers have always been able to ignore things
as they see fit, they can quite easily ignore razed tracks as well.
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