My point was only that we should be carefully looking for variants of the
concept, and try to make it mappable, avoiding too specialized tags.
Something like "milk collection point" would comprise both if we were to
distinguish active from historic ones.


On Sun, 21 Jun 2020 at 15:09, Paul Allen <> wrote:

> On Sun, 21 Jun 2020 at 13:13, Volker Schmidt <> wrote:
>> I looked around a bit (I am a city dweller, apologies, if this is new to
>> me)
>> In South Tyrol (Italy) they have an interesting variant of this concept.
>> The dairy uses refrigerated containers which are parked in designated spots
>> at scheduled times. The nearby farmers bring their milk to the container
>> and fill it up. The full containers are collected and carried to the dairy.
>> I found this photograph <> of
>> such a container on Instagram.
>> I suppose this is not a mappable feature.
> It's not a milk churn stand because there is no platform.  If you find one
> of
> these with a platform then that would be a milk churn stand.
> It ought to be mappable, even so.  There is an area of paved surface
> adjoining
> the road.  It might be a small car park (mappable) or a lay-by (mappable)
> or
> a passing place (mappable).  So such areas are mappable, we just don't have
> tags for such areas with this particular function.  I see no reason why
> there
> could not be, especially if there is signage telling people not to park
> there
> because it is a collection point.  You could propose suitable tagging.
> Or, you could bodge it. :)  You could make the area where the containers
> are placed highway=service + area=yes.  You could ask the locals what its
> name is and they'll probably respond with the local language equivalent of
> "Milk Collection Point" or "Milk Collection Point 46" or some such which
> (in common with many things in rural areas) is a name that looks
> suspiciously
> like a functional description, so you can name it.  OSM purists will now be
> clutching their pearls, so add a fixme saying it should be retagged when
> suitable tagging becomes available.
> More seriously, we probably should find a way to map collection points
> because, on the ground, a tourist may think they're just parking spots and
> park there.  highway=collection_point + area=yes + collection_point=milk,
> maybe.  Some would argue it's not a highway, so maybe
> amenity=collectoin_point + access=private + collection_point=milk.
> I've purposely added a collection_point subtag rather than make it
> *=milk_collection_point so we can handle other things without
> over-burdening a top-level tag with more values.
> Of course, that would then have overlap for those milk churn stands
> that are still functional, and that complicates things.  So maybe we should
> forget those milk collection points exist. :)
> --
> Paul
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