’bicycle’ tag is for the transport mode, cycling.
I only use dismount if there is a board saying so.
Why ? Because I tag the board not the written law in a book.

About the value, I propose :

Le mer. 22 juil. 2020 à 17:36, Tod Fitch <t...@fitchfamily.org> a écrit :

> On Jul 22, 2020, at 8:09 AM, Jmapb <jm...@gmx.com> wrote:
> If this unfortunate tagging practice really needs to be preserved (the
> idea of retagging so many bicycle=no ways is certainly daunting) then I'd
> suggest a new key, dismounted_bicycle=*, which will function as a
> regulation key (like smoking=*) rather than a vehicle access key. Total
> bicycle prohibition would be encoded with both bicycle=no and
> dismounted_bicycle=no, and other dismounted_bicycle=* values can be
> developed for whatever the regulations are in particular situations.
> Why? The suggestion that all the places that properly tagged bicycles=no
> now need to be revisited and have a new dismounted_bicycles=no tag added
> implies that the people who took “no” to mean something other than “no”
> prevail and the rest of us have to go back and re-tag things.
> Since many miles/kilometers of ways will need to be retagged either way,
> why not go with the straight forward “no means no” and “dismount means
> dismount”? Makes a lot more sense to me that “no only really means no if
> there is an additional dismounted_bicycle=no” tag too.
> Cheers!
> —Tod
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