On 23/07/2020 16.16, Mike Thompson wrote:
Perhaps it is unfortunate that for modes of transportation we picked
nouns rather than verbs (e.g. foot vs. walking), but that is what it
is by long tradition.  A similar thing applies to horse=no.  There
are roads (some of the US Interstates) where you can not ride your
horse, but you can load your horse into a trailer, hook the trailer
up to your truck, and drive with your horse on those same roads.

...but then your horse is a passenger in a vehicle. Otherwise that would be like saying a human can't ride in a vehicle if foot=no. Besides, those restrictions are generally because slow-moving traffic is a hazard; in a trailer, your horse (camel, elephant, ...) is no longer slow-moving.

For similar reasons, I would assume that a way that allows vehicles but not pushed bicycles allows a bicycle *in* a vehicle.

FWIW, I'm sympathetic to the "no means no" camp and just declaring that if you really meant "dismount", *fix it*.

I don't think bicycle=no and horse=no should mean something different. If horse=no means "no horses allowed", not "horses allowed as long as no one is riding them" (which I would expect to be the case), then bicycle=no should mean the same thing with "bicycle" substituted for "horse". And in both cases, we're talking about the horse/bicycle being *directly* on the way, not being inside a vehicle.


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