Aug 18, 2020, 07:09 by

> > Data consumers see these hyphenated house numbers as one address, as well.
> Is that a problem? An address range can be considered a single address.
> > Create an address node for each housenumber and place each node somewhere 
> > on the building outline (or inside the building)
> I don't think that's a good idea, we should try to accurately map what's on 
> the ground, when the street address is signposted as a range like "1-3" we 
> should capture that as a single address "1-3" and not multiple addresses 
> unless it's signed that way on the ground.
It depends on what is actually on the ground, we are mapping addresses with 

Single object using 1-3 range? OK, 1-3 is correct and other versions would be 

Single 1-3 signpost with three entrances? Then mapping each as a separate node 
addr:housenumber=1, addr:housenumber=2, addr:housenumber=3 is preferable.

Single entrance? Depends on a case, if there is later a clear split then three 
nodes are better
than one range.

Signposts are not sole address source, asking people - especially people living 
there -
is also perfectly acceptable on the ground survey method.

> > If house numbers are associated with individual entrances, tag those 
> > numbers to entrance=* nodes.
> Doesn't work when the whole site and single main entrance have the address 
> range.
And in such case range may be OK or even preferable.

> > Separate the numbers by commas (e.g., 11,13,15) or semicolon (e.g., 
> > 11;13;15).
why commas?

> Again I feel that's skewing what's actually represented on the ground, which 
> is a single address which is a range and not multiple addresses.
We are using addr:* to map addresses, not signposts. And in this specific case 
you are 
anyway unable to specify range.

> > Specify the range (e.g. 10-95). Note that there is a risk of ambiguity 
> > between two meanings:
> > When such a range is officially used for the entire house, this is the 
> > preferred method. In this case 10-95 is simply a label like any other. In 
> > this and other cases, house numbers officially contain a dash and are not 
> > meant to be treated as special.
> > When such a range is meant to be interpreted as a list of addresses, use 
> > addr:interpolation=* (described below) to emphasise this. Some mappers will 
> > add a short "virtual" way which allows them to put addresses 10 and 95 on 
> > separate nodes as normal. Some mappers will specify the range 10-95 on a 
> > single object, where the addition of the addr:interpolation=* tag 
> > disambiguates it from the "simply a label" meaning, specifying that it is 
> > indeed to be treated as a range. Both approaches are used in practice and 
> > there is little consensus.
> > Note that in some cases building or building complex has single address 
> > such as 3-5 that only looks like a housenumber range. As usual, do not 
> > convert such data blindly, without a verification.
> I think this is the best option, since it depends exactly what's happening on 
> the ground.
> I think the only reasonable alternative is to have something like 
> addr:housenumber:start=1 + addr:housenumber:end=3. Which is clearer that this 
> is a range and allows data consumers to understand it better.
> On Tue, 18 Aug 2020 at 13:34, Paul White <>> > wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I wanted to raise a concern about tagging house numbers on a building using 
>> a hyphen to denote the address range (e.g 33-55 Main Street). This is a bad 
>> idea because some areas in the United States and possibly elsewhere use 
>> hyphenated street numbers for individual dwellings.[1] Data consumers see 
>> these hyphenated house numbers as one address, as well. Other methods 
>> documented >> here 
>> <>>>
>>   work better, in my opinion.
>> I hope to get some input on this issue and the best path forward.
>> Best, Paul
>> [1]
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