On Tue, 18 Aug 2020 at 19:15, Simon Poole <si...@poole.ch> wrote:

> The correct ways to model a range of house numbers is to use an address
> interpolation or explicitly list the numbers (using comma or semi-colons as
> delimitiers), anything else is woefully underspecified, not to mention
> other issues, for example hyphens being used to delimit building and
> apartment/unit numbers as in AUS for example.
If they are actually individual addresses and you're just taking a shortcut
when mapping by using addr:interpolation
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:addr#Tags_for_interpolation_ways then
that's okay.

But when you have a single parcel of land which has a single address which
uses a range, then I don't think addr:interpolation is best, that would
imply there are n addresses along the way here, but actually there is just
a single range address eg 1-3, it's different to an interpolation.

Apartment/unit numbers should be entered with addr:unit, seperate from the
street address number.
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