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> On 22. Aug 2020, at 23:22, Arne Johannessen <> wrote:
> That's not what I'm saying at all. In fact, I'm only applying *exactly* 
> what's currently documented on the wiki's name=* page, which considers 
> pragmatics instead of semantics.
> In other words, instead of focusing on the objective meaning of tags, it 
> focuses on their meaning in context of real-world usage.
> In particular, as documented, name=* should contain the "common default name" 
> of an element, whatever it may be. This means that for any particular element 
> which e. g. has the two names Foo and Bar, but which is most commonly 
> referred to by locals only as Bar, the Bar name should go into name=* and the 
> Foo name into another appropriate name tag (alt_name=*, xyz:name=*, whatever 
> fits).

I would see it like this: if someone refers colloquially to a road in a tunnel, 
they will use the name of the tunnel because what they actually do is refer to 
the tunnel, not specifically the road in the tunnel. This does not have 
implications for our tagging such as you have proposed. It is not deductible 
from the „common default name“ definition, IMHO.

Cheers Martin 
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