On 17/10/2020 10:00, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

On 15. Oct 2020, at 16:40, Dave F via Tagging <tagging@openstreetmap.org> wrote:

Which negates any desire to change the meaning of railway=station from "places where customers can access railway services or where goods are loaded and unloaded."

I am perfectly fine with this definition, it was you who chose to ignore the “where goods are loaded and unloaded” part.

The diagram's previous incarnations made no mention of this part of the definition.

My interpretation for railway=station is: the train station (all of it). I am neither a train spotter nor a buffer kisser (not sure this term exists in English), but it seems clear that the tag implies the whole railway station, regardless of its application on a node or an area.

Which doesn't include signals/points way down the track.

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