On 24-10-2020 22:27, Allroads wrote:> Use area:highway for polygon and

I will clarify the relation of our proposal to area:highway, thanks for
pointing it out.

In brief, the two tagging methods coexist and complement each other. Our
proposal focuses on the parking-amenity (and thus amenity=parking)
aspect of these street-side parking areas.

Anyone mapping with area:highway can of course use
amenity=parking|parking=street_side, and either:

* include the parking areas within a area:highway=residential or similar;
* use area:highway=service;
* or not include them within the highway area and leave them as-is.

What the right approach is, is probably beyond the scope of our
proposal, and should be discussed within the scope of the area:highway
proposals instead.

I think it suffices to say that amenity=parking|parking=street_side
complements area:highway mapping if applied, but doesn't require it.

> For me,  the value "parking_space" what key, single space problem must
> be fixed first to say something about "street_side". As it comes to a vote.

Could you elaborate?

amenity=parking_space can be used as usual within amenity=parking. This
of course also works with amenity=parking/parking=street_side:


Our proposal doesn't affect the documented use of amenity=parking_space;
you would use it just the same as with parking=surface.

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