Am Mi., 28. Okt. 2020 um 12:35 Uhr schrieb Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging <>:

> access=no should be enough, if parking searcher is not handling
> access=no/access=private
> it is broken anyway

these areas are usually not access=no, there will be no parking / stopping
signs, but otherwise these are "normal" areas where other activities (like
walking, playing with a ball, etc.) will take place. Think of it as part of
the building regulation picture. The precise requirements may also depend
on the vehicles and equipment that is used by the local fire station.
Usually these are defined during the process of getting building permission
(speaking about Germany here), where you have to present the project also
to the fire department, and they can tell their objections and add
requirements (you do not have to have these areas, it all depends on the
individual project, and guaranteeing accessibility for fire fighters and
their vehicles and equipment). For example requirements will tell how much
load the area must be able to carry, how wide and height access roads have
to be, ecc. and individually, where and if you have to provide these areas,
how they have to be marked, etc.

here's an example of signposted areas:

Here's an example requirement definition from Munich:

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