On Sun, 13 Dec 2020 at 12:56, Ture Pålsson via Tagging <
tagging@openstreetmap.org> wrote:

> In many cases, the buildings are long gone and just the name remains. I
> *thought* that those places were still labelled in upright letters in the
> ”official” maps, but it turns out that I was wrong — in the present-day
> online-only version of those maps, those names that have lost their
> buildings have turned italic.

If the places have lost their buildings, that is what place=locality is
for.  As for
the label being italic or upright depending upon national sensibilities,
that is
why many countries have their own carto.  Sweden has its own carto at
http://openstreetmap.se/ although that has been down every time I've tried
in the past couple of weeks.  I don't know if that's recent or is a
continuation of it going down in April.  It may be worth your while
trying to find out why it's down and what it would take to fix it.

> Which is good for us, because it means we could still map building=torp
> where there actually is a building, and something else (historic=torp?
> historic=farm, farm=torp?) where there isn’t. :)

 I'm probably misunderstanding this, but torp doesn't seem to be a type of
building.  The tag building=torp says that this building IS a torp (as
opposed to a house, or a shop, or a garage, or a shed, or a barn).
If you feel a need to indicate that a building was once part of a torp,
building=torp isn't the way to do it.

As for historic=farm, the tag historic doesn't mean old (use start_date=*)
or disused (use disused:landuse=farm or add disused=yes).  If the
building is under the protection of a recognized heritage
organization (in Sweden it's the Riksantikvarieämbetet) then add
heritage=* and associated tagging.

Note that one person will probably chime in with a view of historic=*
that makes it applicable to anything more than 1 second old and
therefore meaningless.  I prefer the wiki definition which means it
is for things that are notable rather than just old: historic, not

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