Thanks Tomas, much appreciated.

I guess you are right, but if local country cartography is the only way, that lowers motivation to contribute a lot here locally. We have great local maps already. To me the attraction of providing to OSM is that the data gets broadly available in any end product that uses OSM data. So any mobile app using OSM maps suddenly gets much better maps here locally, even if the app was made for the US market in the first place.

A local renderer would be limited in use, and then I could use just our local government maps directly. Which I indeed have done for some projects local to Swedish users.

(Thanks for the fuzzy area PS too. Maybe external database is the way to go, I see many say that. But that is of little use if it's not getting used by standard renderers, and it seems like we maybe aren't into making rural/outdoor maps at all)


On 2020-12-21 14:38, Tomas Straupis wrote:
2020-12-21, pr, 14:42 Anders Torger rašė:
I personally want to see that the community work for a more defined
mapping baseline with OSM-Carto as a strong reference, used as a
motivational tool for crowd-sourcing, and as it is with the current
provider landscape -- also work as an end product. It does in parts
already, and I want to see more of that. I also got a sense of urgency,
map density in OSM has improved a lot, data sources that a mapper has
access too has also improved a lot since OSM started, so mappers can
today map much more than they could before and are more motivated to do
so, at least in some places in the world. I want the OSM technical
platform to be ready for that.

  In OSM for natural reasons cartographers are a small minority
comparing to majority of coders. Therefore cartographic goals do not
get through a "coder filter" (it is more important for majority to
have clean code than to have clean map).
  You might try, but in my experience the only way is to:
  * have a more cartographic agreement with local community (it is
easier in small scale, as you can meet in person, show good examples
and thus prove the value of cartography)
  * have your own country renderer (you can start with VPS for ~100EUR
a year and go up as your usage grows).
  * have your own country editor with your regional tagging schema (I
will publish instructions on how to do that in a month or two)
  * do most of the work yourself (or with a small group of cartography
oriented people) at least initially as resistance will be there anyway
until you prove/show results
  You will have cartographic maps and will not have to waste time
agreeing on cartographic nuances with people who do not understand
cartography. You will simply agree about them LOCALLY and use them
(OSM has a rule of "free tagging").

P.S. Frederik is right about fuzzy features, even in cartographic
perspective they do not belong in the same bucket as current OSM
features. I think you should have a separate database for those. It is
not hard to implement that as amount of data/changes is much lower.
They later end up in the same database in similar GIS tables as main
OSM data therefore are seamless to use in final products.

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