There is no reason?! Sorry, but a consensus of the community that has
clearly been reached is clearly a reason.
And if we now get to the point of just "throwing away" the consensus of 12
years ago. We are leading the entire consensus process ad adsurdum. Because
then we won't need all this any more. Simply total anarchy. This is also
becoming a question: do we still need the proposal process at all? Because
the result from 12 years ago is also completely ignored by you. And if you
read the old proposal really hard, it was already decided to deprecate in
2010, but no one has finally implemented it.
In this community, we seem to be moving further and further into a system
where improvements to the system are massively prevented and established
double tagging is simply left in place instead of finally being cleaned up.
This, by the way, is one reason why certain companies refuse to use OSM
data. The data structure is unnecessarily inflated and complicated by such
duplications. If we don't stick to our own conventions and enforce
consensus, perhaps the consensus process should be abolished altogether? 
Abschließend: Ich stelle garnicht in Frage, welches Tagging besser oder
schlechter ist. Das ist 2010 schon in einem Consensus von 42 zu 9. Ich
stelle dies garnicht zur Diskussion. Es ist schon entschieden worden.  
"Joseph Eisenberg" – 5. November 2022 23:27

> This debate has gone on for a long time.
> I do not have time to review every proposal when there have been so many
> lately and many did not appear to be well developed enough to come to a
> vote. 
> I admit that I did not take the proposal seriously since it did not have
> any argument in favor of this change. Here is the entire rationale
> section:
> "With the 2010 proposal there is a double-tagging option for health
> facilities. Some of the editors once included it and then discarded it.
> This leads sometimes to confusion by mappers. 
> To tidy up this situation, I propose the following changes. Likewise,
> editors, mappers and data users will then have a uniform consensus for
> further development."
> This statement could also be made in favor of deprecating the duplicate,
> less popular tags like healthcare=hospital, healthcare=dentist and
> instead encouraging use of the more common amenity=hospital,
> amenity=dentist. There was no argument or explanation for why the "new"
> (12 year old) tags under healthcare should be preferred to the "de
> facto" standards under the "amenity" key.  
> In fact I would propose to deprecate healthcare=hospital since it
> is less common, and amenity=hospital is a good tag which is already used
> and interpreted by mappers and database users. 
> During the start of the pandemic, I started to attempt deprecation of
> healthcare=pharmacy as a first step but abandoned the effort due to lack
> of time and energy:
> - Joseph Eisenberg
> On Sat, Nov 5, 2022 at 3:00 PM Robin Burek <> wrote: 
>> What kind of reversal of guilt is that? If someone does not participate
>> in the RFC. And it has been discussed both here and in the new forum.
>> Even constructive support, which I have received and not a little.I
>> have yet to talk to anyone who didn't think it was right to finally
>> enforce the 2010 consensus. So am I supposed to keep looking here until
>> someone eventually comes around? Sorry, but I cannot accept this attack
>> against me. If there have been major changes, I understand that
>> reminders/updates are sent. But not for this simple issue. 
>> "Brian M. Sperlongano" – 5. November 2022 22:50 
>>> It is the responsibility of the proposer to ensure that there is a
>>> consensus before moving to a vote, regardless of timelines. It seems
>>> to me that there has been a recent plague of proposals where proposal
>>> writers are tossing proposals into voting status without doing enough
>>> due diligence.  If you are not getting much feedback on your proposal,
>>> sending a reminder is appropriate. It is never "too late" for someone
>>> to express an opinion. 
>>> The lack of immediate opposition is not an indicator of consensus.
>>> On Sat, Nov 5, 2022 at 5:42 PM Robin Burek <>
>>>> Sorry, but this comes a bit too late. The RFC has been running for a
>>>> month! Contentwise only different "old" designations were added there.
>>>> It is also not changed to a "new key". There is also nothing "new".
>>>> Only the old Healthcare Proposal from 2010 (!) is finally enforced
>>>> (so much for "without justification"). I think we should finally
>>>> accept and enforce the solutions that have been agreed upon. Or
>>>> deprecate the old consensus! But I have decided for the first.  
>>>> "Joseph Eisenberg" – 5. November 2022
>>>>> This proposal attempts to deprecate very popular tags without
>>>>> justification.
>>>>> The tags amenity=hospital, amenity=clinic and amenity=dentist are
>>>>> extremely well established and used by all kinds of maps and
>>>>> applications of Openstreetmap data. 
>>>>> These features are also clearly amenities: they are an important
>>>>> service that you want to have nearby in your town, and all residents
>>>>> and visitors will need to know the location of the closest hospital
>>>>> or dentist to get medical services. 
>>>>> There is no benefit to changing to a different key, but there is a
>>>>> great difficulty in re-tagging and changing applications. 
>>>>> This proposal should be rejected. 
>>>>> - Joseph Eisenberg
>>>>> On Sat, Nov 5, 2022 at 1:49 PM Robin Burek <>
>>>>> wrote: 
>>>>>> Voting has started for Healthcare 1.1 -
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