Hi Shawn

thx for your reply. 
looks like my question was misunderstood. 
i didnt mean tag nesting in the jsp like

> For instance, suppose you have the text:
>   <foo:one>
>      one-<foo:two />-three
>   </foo:one>

say <foo:one/> is a simple tag, which connects do a db
and prints out some text.

the class looks something like this (very simple)

public int doStartTag() {
  JspWriter out = pageContext.getOut();
  // connect to the db an read in the text
  String dbText = bean.getText();

somewhere in the String dbText could be another 
taglib eg <bar:two/>, completely independend from
the outer tag <foo:one/>. and this inner tag
wont be evaluated. i dont know, what i have
to do with the out stream do reeavaluate it
(eg check for a tag or something like this)

btw in the tld bodycontent is set to JSP


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