On Fri, 15 Feb 2002, Ben Pezzei wrote:

> somewhere in the String dbText could be another taglib eg <bar:two/>,
> completely independend from the outer tag <foo:one/>. and this inner
> tag wont be evaluated. i dont know, what i have to do with the out
> stream do reeavaluate it (eg check for a tag or something like this)

There's nothing you can do, in this situation, to cause the container to
evaluate "<foo:two/>" as a JSP tag.  You could always, of course, evaluate
the string yourself and implement the tag protocol manually (e.g., call
doStartTag(), check its return value, and so on).  But the JSP container's
job is (currently) to interpret the text that occurs in a JSP page, not to
interpret JSP-like fragments that occur as data.

(JSP 1.3 may have provisions to make something like this easier, but
that's just a possibility.)

Shawn Bayern
Author, "JSP Standard Tag Library"  http://www.jstlbook.com
(coming this spring from Manning Publications)

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