On 21 Mar 2003, Dave Newton wrote:

> So... to me this implies that JSP 2.0 is moving closer to something
> like Velocity and focusing less on custom tags. Is this a correct
> assessment or is there more to the 2.0 custom tags that I don't know
> about? (I admit I haven't read any specs, so feel free to give me a
> hearty RTFM :)
> I thought one of the points of JSP was to keep content/scripting
> looking XML/HTML-ish for the benefit of page designers.

The only change is that expressions will be promoted to the level of
scripting expressions in order to simplify page syntax; the focus hasn't
changed.  In other words, instead of

  <%= pageContext.findAttribute("foo") %>

you'd simply write


in JSP 2.0.

Shawn Bayern
"JSTL in Action"   http://www.manning.com/bayern

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