On 19/07/21 08:15, intrigeri wrote:

syster via Tails-dev (2021-07-17):
The server that Tails is using for its official chat room, might become an 
entrance to xmpp for Tails user.
Choosing a server that gives new user a pleasant experience should be preferred 
over a server that does not.
Personally, I would prefer not to dedicate any effort into this sort
of XMPP outreach, because:

  - I see the move we're going to make later this month as a temporary
    stop-gap measure, rather than as a long term endorsement of XMPP.
    There are chances we migrate away from XMPP entirely in the
    not-too-distant future.

  - I don't believe the XMPP ecosystem is good enough for our users
    that we should spend time encouraging them to use it more.
    Quite the opposite, actually.

  - We're talking about very, very few people here (Tails users who
    try, and manage to connect to our users mutual support chat room)
    ⇒ whatever we choose here, the impact is almost negligibl

I don't like hear that to an accurate question, with an accurate aswer... the second round of answer looks like to me: <<... AH.. But doesn't matter..we have other plan>> I understand that Intrigeri doesn't want put effor in this, but I keep the problem lifted up by Syster. And I feel sorry hear this answer.. And I don't know which are the plan after.. "replace xmpp with?".. lets go... with Discourse? is ok for me... but are missing informations..important to understand and seems a bit discredit the answer of Syster. If the opinion shared is.. better close XMPP channel to another tool, ok.. maybe is better that we explored..

For me is better close, than started a relationship not clear, or take the time to evaluate relationships, and move in our mapped relationships yet affirmed.

Start a collaboration and trusted other projects is a serious act and need time and effor, also revert this. And be really really explicit on what we think that this collaboration is..like.. We will use public/not public your service for 6 months. Stop. We will do a donation of xxx.money. thanks.

I have also dubts about esiliati.org, I'm not sure that is more than a person, I used some of their tools, but I used safely only the stateless service.

They have not explicit policy, not founding plan, not decision making, not comunication channel with the users. for what I know... maybe someone can say that I'm wrong... please.

So I use this meter to choose a service:


And I have not satisfied a lot of this qualities.

I would like propose to move on:

1) https://www.systemli.org/en/service/xmpp/   - https://jabber.systemli.org/ (https://compliance.conversations.im/server/jabber.systemli.org/)

if is possible, so more robust entities.

I don't know if is possible use jabber.ccc.de and who of them run that service. That service was stopped by german goverment in the 2015 and after restarted, so probably  are well skilled and prepared, and I use yearly the chat of the congress

2) https://compliance.conversations.im/server/jabber.ccc.de/

or 3) https://calyxinstitute.org/projects/digital-services/xmpp that are patner of Riseup for the vpn. but the quality of the service is this


Other choose could be autistici.org that is running a xmpp service, but they not keep history, so became difficult to use for us, and I exclude them... https://compliance.conversations.im/server/autistici.org/.

other entityes that we trust or that more than a person of us know that we can evaluate?

hugs ignifugo

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