Talking of bridges, I'm trying to add a bridge, over a strom water drain to
a road in Canberra.
However it is just about impossible since on each side of this road is a
park and the parks are using
parts of the road as part of their own perimeter.

If I split the road in order to add a bridge, I'll mess up both parks. I
could unglue the parks, move them out of the way,
build the bridge, move the parks back in and maybe get JOSM validator to
glue them back in.  However I don't really want
my name left on a construction like this.

I could make the unglued parks a little smaller and then move them back and
have them each have their own perimeter.

Alternatively I could just delete both parks and them build them back
afterwards to my liking, and risk being flamed by
the original mappers.

Or, I could turn the bridge 90 degrees and put it on the drain at level -1.
I don't reall like this as it doesn't seem to
reflect reality. Silimarly I don't really want to make the drain go through
a tunnel.

Or I could just leave it alone.

Any suggestions??
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