2009/12/5 Liz <ed...@billiau.net>:
> Only those who belonged to OSMF in Oct 09 will get a vote. Those who are
> 'merely' contributors will only get to be asked if they will relicense their
> data or not. Only data from people who agree to relicensing will go forward
> into the new licence.

I wonder if this will be the final straw that leads to the data being forked.

There generally seems to be 2 camps in most debates like this, you
have the idealists, and the pragmatists.... eg Debian=idealists,

I'm generally not that overly concerned with the rest of the world,
but will be really upset with how this will push Australia backwards,
the ABS data and other datasets recently released by the verious
Australian governments has been very good in helping to push things
forward in low denisty areas and there is a lot of data that will just
up and vanish if they enforce this.

I'm not an OSMF member and have been getting more and more annoyed
with the way things are headed by the idealists.

I have the resources (hardware/bandwidth) at my disposal to do
something if I absolutely have to about Australia. I am really hoping
it won't need to come to that outcome because it will fork resources
considerably as the camps diverge.

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