On Mon, 2010-11-22 at 22:50 +1100, Steve Bennett wrote:

> But I also haven't yet seen any reasons, other than sheer bloody mindedness, 
> why
> a person who was happy to contribute under a CC-BY-SA licence would be
> unhappy to do so under ODbL, assuming they were able to do so.

The problem occurs because people have one account, with which they do
edits.  Some of those edits are likely to come from different sources.
A very good reason why someone wouldnt wish to accept the new terms,
would be that they could have contributed data from different sources.  

> You know, we can do this without the inflammatory language. So you're
> happy with ODbL, but not happy with the "some future free licence
> voted on by our members" clause? Agreed - it's problematic. I get the
> impression some people are unhappy with the change to ODbL *per se*
> though. If not, I've just misunderstood again.

So, we both agree that its a problem that will cause people to not wish
to sign up unless the powers that be make some clarifications.  I think
everyone agrees that is the case, the problem is that the powers-that-be
dont seem to want to address the problematic terms and simply tell
people the decisions have already been made, and to cease discussion.  
Hardly the way to run an open community project.


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