On 7 April 2011 00:37, David Murn <da...@incanberra.com.au> wrote:
> On Wed, 2011-04-06 at 22:09 +1000, Michael Hampson wrote:
>> So is Phase 4 the end for those that don't agree? What happens to the
>> data if we don't agree? and the data built on top of that data?
> Well, it depends what you read.  According to the wiki, stage 4 is when
> OSM asks the community what will should happen for those who havent
> accepted the licence.  One has to wonder if any of the comments from the
> past year or two will be taken into account when those in power decide
> to ask us mere mushrooms what we think.
>> > For clarity:
>> >
>> > - This will only affect (77,000) contributors who registered before
>> > May 2010 and who have not accepted the new terms as part of the
>> > voluntary re-licensing program.
> For clarity: (according to odbl.de)
> In Australia:
> - This will remove 57% of users
> - This will remove 67% of nodes, 66% of ways and 86% of relations
> In UK:
> - This will remove 65% of users
> - This will remove 40% of nodes, 40% of ways and 10% of relations
> In Europe:
> - This will remove 61% of users
> - This will remove 20% of nodes, 20% of ways and 15% of relations

For pete's sake! Stop making up blatantly untrue stuff.
Those are likely the precentages if we moved *today* without even
formally contacting/emailing anyone.

> It is fairly clear that the Australian issue has very little value to
> those in Europe in control of the project at the moment.  The fact that
> the number of users lost is in the same ballpark while the amount of
> data lost is significantly higher in our part of the world, seems to
> show the regions and the users whos interests they are looking out for.

Please stop making grossly untrue statements.

>> > - Once a contributor has Accepted/Declined the new terms, they may
>> > continue editting normally.  Even if they decline, they may continue
>> > editting normally until and if Phase 4 kicks in.
> Maybe I missed the announcement, but is there now an option to record
> that you decline the licence?

Read the original mail that Mike posted to the DEV mailinglist... it
is about planning the changes to the editor software before main


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