On 20 June 2011 00:55, Grant Slater <openstreet...@firefishy.com> wrote:
> If however on the other hand if someone created an SVG file specially
> for the purpose of extracted OSM data and tags, it would be extremely
> difficult for them to argue that is a produced work and not a
> database.

That's assuming a single party acting on bad faith, 2 independent
parties operating independently would be able to claim otherwise.

> There is a simple guideline on the wiki: (from 2009)
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Open_Data_License/Produced_Work_-_Guideline
>> In other words CC-by-SA protects data better than ODBL.
> No. See above.

You are assuming that a single party or both parties involved are
operating under bad faith, in all likelihood there could be a range of
places to source data from, even OSM.org for that matter, with a
secondary party operating in the US.

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