On 19 June 2011 22:20, Elizabeth Dodd <ed...@billiau.net> wrote:
> On Sun, 19 Jun 2011 18:12:25 +0100
> Grant Slater <openstreet...@firefishy.com> wrote:
>> We have people subverting our CC-BY-SA license right now!!1! *zomg*
>> And they wouldn't be abusing our ODbL license in future.
>> Case: UN: http://www.unitar.org/unosat-releases-new-maps-over-haiti
> I viewed these maps and understand why you have made the claim that the
> licence has been subverted, with no attribution given, assuming that
> the finding of the displaced person camps and damaged bridges etc was
> OSM volunteer work.

I should have been clearer. OSM is attributed on the right hand side
of the map, but they (UN) are violating the letter of our CC-BY-SA

There would be no violation under ODbL.

> I've not seen this example mentioned in the LWG or Board minutes, so I
> don't know when you contacted UNITAR / UNOSAT to have this clarified.
> I cannot however, follow your logic that it won't happen with a
> differently licensed map.

Do you care that they are not sticking to the letter of our existing
license? I certainly don't care, but I would prefer see them not in
theoretical violation...
I am an advocate of the ODbL because it makes our lives easier and
makes it easier for people to use our map data without getting tangled
up in licensing.

Now returning to thread... Sure we could make 'produced works' more
restrictive, but the negative consequences would out way the benefit.
The Open Knowledge Foundation / Open Data Commons (organisation which
created ODbL license) and LWG's legal council think there is
sufficient protection already without the need of adding a restrictive
'no reverse engineering' clause requirement on the produced works*,
which I think "John Smith" is advocating for. This has all been
discussed to death during the drafting phase of the ODbL license back
in 2008/2009.

*: Correct me if I am wrong, but the GPL also doesn't have a
restrictive 'no reverse engineering' clause.

/ Grant

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