On 18/12/11 17:07, Sam Wilson wrote:
Yes, I've often wondered the same: if they're officially defined as
following particular roads etc. and then those roads move, do the
boundaries move also?

No. Do a search through the archives of the list and you'll find this somewhere.

Also, there seem to be some situations in which boundaries do not
actually match the locations of the roads (etc.) that they're ostensibly
following. I mean, not way off, but 10m or what have you, and not
consistently either -- there's some (although, I can't find one this
afternoon; I saw a couple last week out in the WA wheatbelt somewhere)
that cross over the road and then back again (which matches aerial
photography and GPS traces!). Do roads really move all that often, and
by not much?

Probably the original gazetted road could not be built where it was layed out on a blank sheet of paper and when it came to building the road they had to deviate around something.

I always have all administrative boundaries turned off (greyed-out) in
JOSM, because they're all a bit confusing. And not staying after the
licence change, it would seem!

That's correct as the original importer has declined the CT's. Which throws up the problem of if you attach it to a road, river, railway, etc then that road, river, railway is also going to be deleted.


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