
There is an admin boundary level for local government areas. This is like a
British county.

Note that all these can be derived for an address simply by looking where
the address node is. Is it inside the boundary for the country Australia?
Then then the address is in Australia. No need to tag it as well. Same for
suburb/town, LGA and state.

The things you can't infer from an address's location are the street
number, and which street it is associated with.

The boundaries for state and country are well defined. Less so for town and
LGA, but tools like Nominatum will use these boundaries to describe
addresses where they are present.

  - Ben Kelley.
 On 20 Jan 2014 09:22, "Warin" <61sundow...@gmail.com> wrote:

>  On 19/01/2014 8:48 PM, Ben Kelley wrote:
> Hi.
> I think in Australia, as far as gazetted places go, suburb=town, but for
> these, you can derive it if the suburb has an admin boundary.
> City is not gazetted. E.g. Sydney is a suburb. An address in nearby
> Pyrmont is not in Sydney (the suburb), so saying it is in a city called
> Sydney might be confusing.
>   - Ben Kelley.
> Perhaps better to deal with it as a county/shire issue? As we are british
> based then this may be of some assistance?
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/English_Counties
> This should separate any two suburbs of the same name (I hope!).
> Unfortunately these are not in common use here (unlike britain) so may not
> be helpful for general navigation.
> As for the post office - I'd think they use the post code first rather
> than the city/suburb. I'd think the OS Map is for navigation, not for the
> post office? So it should make sense in a navigational way?
>  On 19 Jan 2014 14:01, "Stéphane Guillou" <stephane.guil...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>>  Thanks everyone for your input.
>> I wonder what was the rationale behind using abbreviations for countries
>> and states as I understood that the database must be as human-readable as
>> possible.
>> Still, I will be following the recommendations on the Key:addr page for
>> addr:country=AU.
>> However, I am still unsure about suburb vs city. Key:addr tells us to
>> watch out for the Australian definition of suburbs, and Wikipedia says the
>> following:
>> "In Australia and New Zealand, suburbs have become formalised as
>> geographic subdivisions of a city and are used by postal services in *
>> addressing*."
>> As we are here tagging the address, I was wondering: are we tagging so
>> the addresses appear as they should when we use them (e.g. when we write
>> them on an envelope) - the original point of tagging an address I guess -
>> (in which case I would just go with addr:city=The Gap), or should we
>> understand the tags as literally as possible (in that case, I would go
>> addr:city=Brisbane and addr:suburb=The Gap).
>> What would be the best way to decide on a convention so we can add
>> guidelines for OSM-AU?
>> Cheers
>> Stéphane (chtfn)
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