Rest Areas ... a summary so far?

_Best tag_ to use is highway=rest_area as this reflects what they actually are.

_'Camping_' is limited in most of these due to the hard surfaces, it would be better to use a caravan tag where this is 'on the ground truth'. A tag to use under rest area looks to be caravan=yes. Personally I would be tempted to use a separate node/way with tourism=caravan_site.. following the thinking of one feature one OSM element.

'Camping' or 'Caravanning' appears to be limited to a maximum stay of ~24 hours at least by some (for these areas)

So this maybe be a usefull tag to include caravan:condition:maxstay=24 (or caravan_site:condition:maxstay=24).

Where the rest area is intended for hgv use only then using access tags would be best? access=no, hgv=yes looks suitable.

_Rendering_. This is poor for 'Rest Areas' (looks to be showing the name only at present) and will be a concern for mappers using the tag. Hopefully renders will catch up?

_Numbers_. Probably some ~4,000 of these in Australia. Some of these Australian ones are already in OSM, total in OSM world wide is ~10,000. Changing the present rest areas from 'camp_site' to rest area might result in, say, an addition ~2,000 rest areas in OSM? Not a vast number .. but any addition helps let the renders know that these things exist in some quantity.

Regarding the various gov listings of rest areas .. not certain of there legal use for adding data from them to OSM. Possibly use them for checking OSM data .. where OSM is missing then I'd look for web confirmation and the copyright of that confirmation ... possibly look to imagery for more confirmation.
And possibly survey. However I'm not looking at that at this time.

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