Yes that example from Graeme is exactly it.

It could help some routers with guidance, to know where exits are even
without an exit number or ref (eg. take the 2nd exit), though this should
could always be derived from the road network anyway, it just might make it
easier for some software. Again I think it's only worth adding to exits
from grade separated roads.

On Tue, 25 Feb 2020 at 10:44, Ian Steer <> wrote:

> On Mon, 24 Feb 2020 at 14:33, Andrew Harvey <>
> wrote:
> In that particular example I don't think it's needed, since it's only an
> entrance to the motorway (not an exit) and South Street probably doesn't
> need these junction tags.
> The tag is useful when exits are named or numbered to say there is a
> motorway exit at this point which such and such name and ref, it's
> different to destination sign.
> eg. if you had an exit which was number 2 but exited to a road with ref 1,
> then he destination_sign relation would be ref=1 but the
> highway=motorway_junction would have ref=2. I've never seen numbered exits
> but they exist in other countries, and maybe here too.
> If I've understood properly, we've got a few of them around here:
> So how should these be tagged?
> Thanks
> Graeme
> Yes, that is what I thought highway=motorway_junction ought to be used for
> (but not where the exit is not numbered in any way)
> Ian
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