Agreed Ben,
   There may be ways to warn in ID if a field is set. My concern would be
traffic islands that  probably don't align so there may be two centrelines
where OSM has one or vice versa. Any way, lot's to discuss at some point.


On Mon, 6 Jul 2020 at 12:19, Ben Kelley <> wrote:

> At some level you will need to deal with the fact that people edit ways,
> generally based on orthorectified photos, but also based on GPS traces.
> Even if the correlation started out good, it could change over time as
> people edit the map.
> I guess it depends how much correlation you need.
>  - Ben.
> On Mon, 6 Jul 2020 at 12:00, Andrew Hughes <> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> First time poster and very new to OSM so please feel free to throw
>> anything at me you think I should educate myself on.
>> I'm currently the GIS Lead at the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator
>> (HNVR). We're very serious about adopting OSM for some of our needs.
>> However, our OSM adoption is largely dependent on a minimum correlation
>> between the OSM ways and the streets found in Government centerline/road
>> datasets (States and/or LGAs).
>> Q: Would anyone be able to provide me with some insight as to what we
>> might expect when looking to achieve the correlation we need? Please be
>> aware, our intent is to contribute and "close the gap" but we need to know
>> if/how this can best be done in a cohesive way within the OSM community. *I'm
>> also aware there may be licensing issues, please overlook these for now.*
>> The NHVR are quite serious about what it hopes to achieve in the next 12
>> -24 months through GIS and we are very enthusiastic to learn and contribute
>> to OSM. I hope to be speaking with you a lot more in the near future.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Andrew Hughes
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> --
> Ben Kelley
> This message was sent on my Atari 400
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Warm Regards

Ewen Hill
Internet Development Australia
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