On Wed, 26 Jan 2022 at 13:48, Graeme Fitzpatrick <graemefi...@gmail.com>

> Changing subject from tracks for a minute :-), I was reading the weekly
> Newsletter yesterday & spotted this article
> https://www-openstreetmap-org.translate.goog/user/AngocA/diary/398423?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=EN&_x_tr_hl=en-GB,
> concerning clearing up all the outstanding OSM Notes in Colombia.
> According to Pascal, there are currently ~4500 open Notes across Australia

So, I posted that 2 weeks ago yesterday arvo, & there were ~4500 open OSM

As I write this, there are now 3543!, which I think we'll all agree is a
pretty mighty effort in 2 weeks!!! :-)

Thanks everybody for your efforts! :-)

The oldest Notes have also jumped from 2013 to ~30 still outstanding from
2017, but most of them are awaiting further feedback (or going to be
deleted as unsolvable?).

So, if anybody else wants to join in, please have a look at
& start editing & resolving! :-)



> Looking at open notes only:
> https://resultmaps.neis-one.org/osm-notes-country-custom?c=Australia&query=open
> they go all the way back to 2013! Just glancing at them though, most of
> them could probably just be closed, as the "problem" is already mapped,
> there's not enough detail / info to resolve it & so on?
> So, what do we all think?
> As I said, I've cleared almost all of the GC, except for a few that need
> further work / survey. How would we like to do things - work on our own
> local areas / go through the list from old > new or vice versa / pick
> random items?
> Thanks
> Graeme
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