Hello Brice,

> on the 17th, i'll meet the CIRB team in charge of Urbis at brussels...

Very good idea to hold such a meeting. Thank you very much to let us
know about it.

> i'll already a bunch of question to ask them like updates, or collaboration
> or documentation...

indeed. We were with many CIRB people last week at RMLL in ULB.
Unfortunately, I have had no time to meet the people involved in
Urbis, but I think Jo/polyglot has.

I have more discussed with the people involved with the communication
and the managerial level.

I would have some questions like :

* is the CIRB interested in working closely with the OSM community,
both ways (to and from) to have all Urbis data used in OSM and
vice-versa ?
* how can the Urbis ortho photo be used in OSM ?
* is CIRB ready to participate actively in cartoparty and support such
activities, and help make specific data collections, like the ones we
are discussing :

** fire hydrants and truck routing information (like real time route
blocking information) to help the firefighters and rescuers,
** help with getting all the information that are available in real
time (or nearly) in http://www.bruxellesmobilite.irisnet.be/ also in
OSM, like
*** Villo stations and villo stations states,
*** public parkings locations and public parking «emptyness»
*** public caméras
*** events
*** road works
*** traffic informations

* a related question : we already have the plan to organize in
september or october a cartoparty at ULB Solbosch with members of the
OSM community and ULB employees and students to make *sure* OSM
becomes the reference and best map of ULP. Would CIRB like to
participate and help ? If yes, how ? Would a financial support through
an existing NGO be possible ?

* There are other special data and maps I would like to see in OSM.
Could / would CIRB help ? How ? eg:

** everything related to handicap to gather the info like in
handimap.org and then build the related application in html5 (for
example in hosting a «stagiaire» of the school I am working in) ?

These info are :

* Trottoirs et leur niveau d'accessibilité
** Trottoirs accessibles des 2 côtés
** Trottoirs accessibles côté pair uniquement
** Trottoirs accessibles côté impair uniquement
** Trottoirs non accessibles
* Stationnements réservés aux personnes handicapées
* Jardins et parcs accessibles
* Carrefours à feux sonores
** Carrefours à feux sonores des 2 côtés
** Carrefours à feux sonores partiels
* Organismes accessibles
** Organismes aux normes
** Organismes praticables
* Lieux publics/privés accessibles

** water, electricity, gas, cable network, fiber optic network
distribution (to make sure the information is uptodate and well know
to everyone to prevent accidents !) (Yes, I know some people believe
that making this information public would give the data to terrorists
who could use them for bad purposes, but I sincerely believe that if
determined terrorists want these info, they can have them already, for
example with bribes)

* Could the CIRB help technically (= more than provide the
information, help with the actual importation and the developpement of
the needed layers) ? If yes how ?

* Could the CIRB help financially the OSM community (for example by
hiring part time a member of the OSM community to work on the above
subjects or other related to OSM and Urbis)

This is a lot. Maybe other meetings with the CIRB people could follow ?

Please keep us informed.

Much thanks,

Nicolas Pettiaux - +32 496 24 55 01 - http://rmll.info - http://lepacte.be

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