On 2013-09-16 13:06, Marc Gemis wrote:

On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 11:52 AM, Glenn Plas <gl...@byte-consult.be <mailto:gl...@byte-consult.be>> wrote:

    To be complete: top-posting (putting comments ABOVE the previous
    messages) is usually really a big nono in the mailing list
    fields.   You should put follow-up comments BELOW the original
    mail.  Personally, It doesn't bother me too much, but on plenty of
    mailing lists people go absolutely nuts over that fact , more true
    on long email exchanges, as you need to read a long reply from
    bottom to top in order to follow the conversation.   Of course
    many clients let you sort using the subject field.

Please inform Google about this, as with "Reply", it "hides" the original message behind 3 dots at the bottom of the mail. :-/ :-)

It looks like you're doing fine on this message though :)

It's probably because when replying to 'regular' emails (since a mailing list isn't USENET) the consensus is to top-post. I do this too with daily mail exchanges.

But it's good that you mention this fact, so we understand better where habits like this comes from. I'm not a gmail user, although I have a gmail account, it's a spambox for me :)

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