On 2013-11-13 18:12, Marc Gemis wrote :
> On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 4:27 PM, André Pirard
> <a.pirard.pa...@gmail.com <mailto:a.pirard.pa...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Would anyone mind so little? ;-)
> Because I promised to write some guidelines for the import of AGIV
> addresses, I want to know what I should write. I also think my problem
> is more common than yours. By this I mean that it show be obvious to
> any mapper to tag a POI so that it's address is returned correctly.
Don't take it bad. I was only joking, of course ( ;-) ). Sorry if I hurt
you. I sympathize with your work!
But I explained the problems I see in a previous message without any answer.

I was going to ask you "how can one find the associatedStreet of a
street or of a house?" not using overpass.
It's important to find it to use it and to not make a second one isn't it?
And how do I find yours?
I'm back home and I was going to look at your problem, but I see you're
generously helped already.
On to the Philippines.
> Maybe Belgium is unique regarding its "administrative borders".
> Although the Germans also have problems with cities such as Hamburg,
> because it misses an administrative layer (see talk mailing list of
> the past 2 weeks). And in India they have a problem with their country
> borders
> All those problems are important to a group of people, but they are
> all exceptions to the general rules. So maybe we should just take up
> all those complaints with the Nominatim developers, because they might
> not be aware of all those exceptions.
If you're talking of Florian Lohoff's problem, I wanted to show/explain
him the Belgian boundaries, but I refrained because of the errors in them.
Let us correct the errors first ans see if anything remains to be said
to Nominatim.



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