On Thu, Dec 5, 2013 at 11:15 PM, Bart Van Lancker <b...@vlweb.net> wrote:

> Okay, thanks. But there’s one more problem.
> Both the deelgemeenten Ledeberg and Gentbrugge have the postal code 9050.
> The same counts for Afsnee and Sint-Denijs Westrem. So, should I draw a new
> boundary over the administrative boundaries of both Ledeberg and Gentbrugge
> and make this one a postal_code type boundary,
> Or should I change both the boundaries of Ledeberg and Gentbrugge to a
> postal_code type, and assign these both the same postal code ?
I would create 1 relation postal_code boundary, using parts of the
administrative boundaries of Ledeberg and Gentbrugge. By "using parts", I
mean that the boundary line is placed in both relations (the adminstrative
and postal_code). No need to draw another boundary line.

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