On 2015-02-07 00:39, Jo wrote :
2015-02-07 0:09 GMT+01:00 André Pirard <a.pirard.pa...@gmail.com>:
On 2015-02-05 22:57, Jo wrote :

Over the past days, I adapted the data file for the road sign plugin for Belgium.

I'd like to ask you to test it.

Install the plugin the usual way and select something. Look at the top right corner of the tags pane on the right. A little icon was added there, press it and choose BE.

Now it becomes easy to tag traffic signs and their effects on the ways they apply to. I'm going to ask the developers for some improvements, but it is functional already.

Regarding tests, it's surprising. I click on the little icon but I see no "BE to choose".
If I click Setting, I see several countries but not Belgium.

Call it wishful thinking, but what I want that plugin to do is the following:

1. add the corresponding tags on the selected ways, which the sign affects
2. add BE:A1b or something of the kind on a node next to the way. This node is placed where the actual sign is.

It now becomes possible to see where the tags on the way came from, call it a source, call it fuzzy, if that makes you feel better. I call it redundancy and I don't see a problem with that.

I need to see that in action, but, as I told you I don't see any Belgian selection.
I'm running 7995.

What I'm fearing with traffic signs is what happened and continues to happen with noexit=yes.
noexit=yes does not indicate that one cannot exit but that a road continuity gap that prevents passing is intentional.
It is made to warn QA tools that there's no error and maybe map browsers to look at that location carefully.
But contributors started to use it otherwise.
They tagged it at plain dead ends just as totally uselessly as tagging noexit=no in the middle of every street.
Or, as I removed some, at junctions with the obvious intention to indicate a no passing condition on one of the streets, but without showing which of the streets and even less how far, where in that street.
Worse, they tagged it on ways, not realizing that a node cannot be identified by identifying a way (which end?).
Worse, some of them believed that it was made to tag the No Exit signal (F45).
Worse, someone silently modified the Belgian Wiki to instruct the Belgian community to do that  F45 tagging.
Without warning, without discussion.  No reaction from anyone.  I removed that.

What I'm thinking is that the noexit=yes page is very easy to understand and that if it is misunderstood so badly, there is a high risk that the traffic_sign page which is far more complicated will be misunderstood even more.
For one thing, that page says "Traffic signs give instructions or provide information to road users".
That's true, but it forgets to say "The other tags provide instructions to GPSes so that they can do the routing and give instructions or provide information to road users".
The risk is to use only traffic signs and to have GPSes work very badly.

Please note that I am not discussing the plugin but the habits that starting to use road signs can induce.
In fact, I wonder what road signs are useful for if the conventional tags do the same better and more fully.



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