I added those Type signs to the plugin, and I fully agree with you about
the spanking! I called them Type_XX_often_something_extra

They're a pain and forced me to become somewhat creative...


2015-02-11 17:44 GMT+01:00 Glenn Plas <gl...@byte-consult.be>:

> What are we going to do about Type-* subsigns ?   That is the official
> designation, I mapped a few but they apply to several variations.  I
> tried waiting until someone else brings them up.
> I'm talking about those:
> http://www.wegcode.be/wetteksten/secties/mb/mb-111076/868-hs2art13
> Type IV for example : "Uitgezonderd bus"  But it can also be
> "Uitgezonderd plaatselijk verkeer"
> So it's not deterministic at all and in fact you loose information.  The
> person who thought of this naming scheme should be spanked.
> Glenn
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