Tuesday 29 March 2016 16:00:27, joost schouppe:
> Hi,
> As some of you know, I've been sending welcome messages to all new Belgian
> mappers. First to let them know there is a local community (and how to find
> us). Second to keep an eye on them, as some of them do break things.
> Ruben made a nice little tool to make this easier. It could all be much
> better (the source code looks ugly, according to Ruben), but I like working
> with the thing. The only problem is: I can't find the time to look at all
> the changesets and send all the messages. Especially as I still have to
> catch up for my holidays in February.
> http://osmwelcome.unitedbashers.com/index.php
> More eyes means a better website. And if we get a tweaked a bit more, maybe
> we can expand the toolkit to other countries. Of course, as Simon Poole
> would say, the site is not necessary at all. It's just really damn
> practical, especially if more than one person does the welcoming.
> You are encouraged to make your own welcome message, but there is a French,
> Dutch and English version available.
> Go ahead and try; you can just log-in with your OSM account. If you need
> more info, contact me and/or Ruben.

If native French speakers could review the French message, that would be great. 

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