On Thu, Dec 15, 2016 at 8:59 AM, Glenn Plas <gl...@byte-consult.be> wrote:
>> A model import does not introduce errors that could be avoided by
>> simply looking at aerial imagery
> Does, or does not ?

I break the silence, just because you asked a question :-)

every building imported via a model import should be checked
individually. If you see that the aerial imagery does not show the
building, look at a third source. Depending on the age of the sources
take action.
I have seen buildings that were destroyed, but visible on the
grootschalige aerial images and GRB, but not in the field or on the
kleinschalige aerial images. So you do not do an import then.
Ideally, every building that you add is validated by the mapper. This
is a slow process.

Some of the problems I encountered during the church improvements
- sub area of the church was marked as tower. This sub area add to be
adapted to the new floorplan. 3D information will give the same
- almost every grave yard add to be added to nicely fit against the
wall of the church. Maybe this problem is unique for churches as other
buildings do not have landuse attached to it ?
- in some cases you have to move paths as they would otherwise lead
through the church. Also occurs for footpaths between 2 buildings.

Other problems
- addresses that do not match, the geometry merge plugin is not really
helpful to see which address comes from GRB and which one was in OSM.
- replacing multipolygons with individual buildings and somehow
keeping the history.
- Take a look at https://xian.smugmug.com/OSM/Screenshots/AGIV-Problems/

so there are a lot of things to check while you add the data, all of
them will slow you down during the import.

@Jo, I am glad you do not put a deadline on it. Thanks !



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