it's a good thing that all physical campsites are physically numbered,
so they can be mapped on osm with the name tag.

whats fun with osm, is that you can go head and make a better map than
the one that the campgrown owner  made, and stick the osm logo and
propert attribution on it, and give it to them so they can photo copy
it and give it to future visitors.

i have been to some campgrounds where the map that was given was drawn
in pencil crayon, and im certain it can be improved. :)


On 7/28/10, Gerald A <> wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 7:10 PM, G. Michael Carter
> <>wrote:
>>  This is what I hate about copyright.
>> So if copying the name "Forest Lawn" or Campsite 19 from a map it's a
>> violation.  What about copying the name from the official website?  is
>> copying the name of the Ontario Science Centre from
>> a violation?  (like I just did for
>> this e-mail)
> If the site has a Copyright, then that too is a potential violation. There
> was a whole bunch of silliness a few years back about putting teasers to
> content vs. linking and who controls who can link to whom. Too much legal
> stuff, and I'm not a lawyer.
>> What about standing in front of the campsite post writing down the number?
>> It's also also a violation as I'm "copying" the number?  What about
>> remembering the number?   As I said below, being able to copyright maps is
>> the stupidest idea I've ever seen.
> I think the general wisdom is if you are there "on the ground", then you are
> ok. And again, you might be able to use maps, and just asking an attraction
> like the science centre might get you permission to use for OSM.
>> Are the going to start copyrighting the landscape so an artist can't draw
>> it next?  I'm sure someone's tried.
> Not landscape, but look for something about lights on the Eiffel Tower.
>> Seems the only way to avoid copyright is to burn more holes in the OZONE
>> layer and drive over to the location and redo surveys already done by
>> several other people burning holes in the OZONE layer...
> I know it sounds wasteful, but we're trying to create a map that has
> freedoms associated with it. You can't create those freedoms with things
> that *might* be encumbered by someone else's copyright, no matter how silly
> it seems. Unless, of course, the person who owns the copyright is willing to
> let the freedoms apply to their material.
> Thanks,
> Gerald

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