Did anyone hear that loud bang last night...? That was my head repeatedly hitting the table while I repeated the words "look before you leap!" :-)

I spent 1 hour updating and processing a CanVec tile. When I was finished I ran the verification step and fixed duplicates. Then when I started to go through the duplicates, I noticed +12,000 duplicate nodes and over 5,000 duplicate ways (or something like that). Upon further investigation, andrewpmk had already processed and uploaded the grid. *grin* That's what I get for taking a short cut and downloading the current data into the CanVec layer and processing it all at once. (which I do in the barren areas which no real city data yet)

Needless to say I've gone through andrewpmk's edits list and updated https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Ati4aAtBXfTVdERaUWZPNWhxTDJFOTF4STFLa25HbVE&hl=en

I was wondering is there anyone else editing in Ontario. If everyone keeps putting the CanVec tile code they processed in the "comments" section of the changeset, I don't mind updating this spreadsheet. Just need to know who's working on CanVec tiles.


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