yes, i heard it way over on the west coast.

ok, here's the storey.

1 - we need to shorten the length (number of rows) on the main big
google docs spreadsheet.
so that all of the distant, easy stuff is marked as a series.  ie.
034-9 area - available
then i can just remove that whole section of rows.
so then the areas that are being worked on is clear.

there are currently about 10 people editing the main chart, and only
andrew and yourself on the secondary chart that you started.

what i can do is make a copy of the main chart, then start merging the
rows, and adding in rows for the quad-tree tiling.

the google  docs chart has a maximum number of rows that are allowed,
and it's been reached.

ideally, if everyone is on irc chat while working, this helps. but
it's hard to get everyone on the same page :-/

this way, we can merge the tabs to a greater range, i think this will help too,
so after 4 tiles ofthe quadtree area is done, it only needs to take up
1 row in the spreadsheet.

On 7/30/10, G. Michael Carter <> wrote:
> Did anyone hear that loud bang last night...?  That was my head
> repeatedly hitting the table while I repeated the words "look before you
> leap!" :-)
> I spent 1 hour updating and processing a CanVec tile.  When I was
> finished I ran the verification step and fixed duplicates.   Then when I
> started to go through the duplicates, I noticed +12,000 duplicate nodes
> and over 5,000 duplicate ways (or something like that).   Upon further
> investigation, andrewpmk had already processed and uploaded the grid.
> *grin*   That's what I get for taking a short cut and downloading the
> current data into the CanVec layer and processing it all at once.
> (which I do in the barren areas which no real city data yet)
> Needless to say I've gone through andrewpmk's edits list and updated
> I was wondering is there anyone else editing in Ontario.  If everyone
> keeps putting the CanVec tile code they processed in the "comments"
> section of the changeset, I don't mind updating this spreadsheet.  Just
> need to know who's working on CanVec tiles.
> Michael
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