Two options

1. Covert to tiles with gdal2tiles or another program.
2. Set up MapServer and server it with WMS

1 is faster at serving tiles but takes more disk space and pre-processing. 2
is slower but better for large files since you don't have to pre-process.

As your GeoTiff isn't very large, the first is a viable option. I'd guess it
might take me a week to process. 

MapServer is a pain to set up, as you've discovered. If you're running
Ubuntu I could show you my .map file if it'd help.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tyler Gunn []
> Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2011 6:46 PM
> To: Talk-CA OpenStreetMap
> Subject: [Talk-ca] GeoTiff in JOSM
> Anyone have a hint of how to view a GeoTiff in JOSM?
> Manitoba Lands Initiative updated the aerial imagery of Winnipeg and has
> a 50cm res MrSid file of the Winnipeg capital region; much more up to
> date than Bing aerial and also including high res pics of areas that
> Bing doesn't have.
> I've converted the MrSid file to a tiled GeoTiff, but at 19GB in size I
> am thinking I'll need to serve it up some how.
> I'm thinking I may need to use MapServer to serve this as a WMS layer
> for JOSM, but I'm not finding decent how-tos on that.
> Any hints?
> Thanks!
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