Most of the Canadian data that needs cleaning is very low impact.

Two of the high-volume decline accounts are primarily imports that
have not been subsequently edited.  That means the effected data can
easily be re-imported for a net-zero change.

I recommend that we remove that data now, without delay.  That will
simplify current cleanup activities by:
- removing trivial doomed data
- making interesting data cleaning opportunities easier to see

I'd like to request that the data working group purge that data for
us.  What do you think about requesting the removal of objects that

- created by the known-bad accounts
- version 1 (that is, they have not been modified by another mapper)
- not ways tagged natural=coastline

That will reduce the cleanup in Canada by about an order of magnitude
with zero negative effect.

Thoughts?  Request this of DWG, or no?

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